
Wyświetlanie postów z luty, 2018

Why in the age of science do so many people believe in supernatural things?

People believe in supernatural things because this is easier for them. We can find a lot of movies where are things like ghosts or supernatural powers. People easily believe in them. They don’t have to look if there is an explanation, they just saw something and think that’s true. Nowadays science can explain almost everything. People just don’t want to have an scientific explanation, they prefer to believe in ghosts which they saw in movie. 

Who/what is to blame for modern epidemic of obesity?

I think that we can’t choose one thing which we can blame for modern obesity. Nowadays everyone knows about consequences of eating sugar and fat but people are still eating them. Of course sometimes is hard to find product without sugar or less fat.  Obese is a worldwide problem, but if somebody wants to eat and live healthy it is possible to do that. People need to read food composition and choose healthy products. It will be maybe more expensive and harder but it is worth it. Now healthy eating is more propagate than fast foods. People are too lazy or they don’t have time to find better food and this is the biggest problem. 

Should people spend money on space exploration?

People should spend money on space exploration. It can help us understand many things like length of the day. People from time immemorial wanted to explore new things and explain how they happend. Nowadays we have much better conditions to explore our Solar System so we can check that maybe water exists on other planets. Someday people could need to leave Earth. We need to find a planet where life exists because maybe someday it will safe humanity. Also people are just curious about the cosmos, in near future we will be able to have a trip to the cosmos like any other plane flight.