
Wyświetlanie postów z marzec, 2018


In this short film “Tree of life” David Attenborough speaks about how life began. He explains how and in which order every kind of organism start to live. I really liked this film, because he in very short version shows us how there is life on Earth and how one animal transformed to another. He speaks slowly and understanding. I think that bringing up any topic with not a lot of time is very hard, but he did it, and he did it in very interesting way.

Would you like to work in this hotel?

I don’t want to work in this hotel. I think that I must be perfect, I can’t make any mistakes, this will make me feel stressful. Also this work, especially in lower position, is very tiring. Matbe you will get a lot of money for this job, but money is not everything, you need to feel happy in your daily work (or if you can’t have another job and you need money, you need to start liking your job). I think that this responsibility of working in the best hotel in London isn’t for me.

Is it possible that people will stop being thowaway society?

I think that is impossible that people will stop being throwaway society. People are accustomed to buying new things when something is broken. Now only a few people can fix something by himself. Sometimes big companies demand a lot of money for broken piece, they want people to buy another thing. This is how they make money and they won’t change that, because they will bankrupt. We won’t change all mechanisms of our society so we won’t stop being throwaway society.