
Wyświetlanie postów z czerwiec, 2018

What do we learn about modern society from "The Joneses"?

From this film we can learn that the society are not individual. I think that every person have their own soul and they need to be right with it. “The Joneses” shows that people want to be like others or even better than them. It’s a little bit stupid because everyone has their own needs and doesn’t need to share others. Also we can see that how easy is to promote an useless things that people want to have.

Does art need to be beautiful?

 I think that art doesn’t need to be beautiful. Every person has their own meaning of beauty. So everyone could like different type of art. If all art will be beautiful it would be so boring. Sometimes in art the meaning is more important than the appearance. In some artistic work the history of creating or conditions are meaningful not the look. I think that art is not for everyone because if we see only a nice picture and we are not looking for a meaning it doesn’t make sense.