
Wyświetlanie postów z listopad, 2017

Studio Weil

Studio Weil is a painting and sculpture studio designed and built for about $720,000 (finished in 2003) for the Barbara Weil in Mallorca, Spain. Barbara was an American painter and sculptor. Weil first sailed into Mallorca in 1967.  “Mallorca was so romantic and Puerto Andratx was populated by such an alternative crowd back then,” she says. Her paintings were brave and unusual. She takes categories of painting, sculpture and architecture and converts them into abstract expressionism and even newer art styles. Daniel Libeskind and Ms. Weil wanted to create a building which not only responds to the surrounding landscape, but also forms a space which complements and contrasts the artist’s work.  The building houses exhibition spaces, working quarters and a dramatic landscaped garden, which are designed to combination of architecture with art throw light, complement and express the art of Barbara Weil. The form of the building reminds arc cut throw with a pairs of stairs

Life Electric

Life Electric is a monument created by Studio Libeskind in collaboration with the business association of Como. Its a 16,5 meter high sculpture on the Lake Como in Italy. This is a public monument, homeage to famed scientist Aleksander Volta who hails from the city. He was born on 18th February, 1745, in Como, and died 5th March, 1827, Como. He was an Italian physicist, chemist and a pioneer of electricity and power. He invented a electrical battery and discovered methane. It’s made from stainless steel, polished to a mirror to reflect landscape around this is why this sculpture combines the natural elements of light, water.  Shape of this monument is very interesting and resembles two waves.  The form reaches both up towards the sky and goes down to the water, representing the two poles of energy.  “It is an amazing honor to be able to give this work a home in one of the most beautiful places in the world—and a place very close to my heart,” said Daniel Libeskind.

Ohio Statehouse Holocaust Memorial

This Holocaust Memorial was designed by Daniel Libeskind in 2014. It's made of 4 tons of steel, 3,5 tons of bronze, 11 tons of limestone and 13,7 tons of Carnela granite. It was created to keep alive memory of the millions of people who lost their lives in the Holocaust and The American soldiers who liberated thoose in concentration camps. There are two walkways leading to a set of 18-foot panels, that meet and form a cutout in the shape of the six-point star. This is a Star of Dawid-symbol of Jews. During the Holocaust, the Nazis chose the yellow star as an identifying all Jews. After the war, Jews turned this symbol of humiliation. Nowadays, the Star of David is the most universally recognized symbol of the Jewish People. Panels are embossed with a story told by a survivor of Auschwitz - Michael Schwartz. He was born in Zdunska-Wola, Poland. He was in Auschwitz-Birkenau and than he was transferred to Neuengamme, Braunschweig, Watenstedt, Bendorf, Ravensbrueck and Ludwigslus