Ohio Statehouse Holocaust Memorial

This Holocaust Memorial was designed by Daniel Libeskind in 2014. It's made of 4 tons of steel, 3,5 tons of bronze, 11 tons of limestone and 13,7 tons of Carnela granite. It was created to keep alive memory of the millions of people who lost their lives in the Holocaust and The American soldiers who liberated thoose in concentration camps.
There are two walkways leading to a set of 18-foot panels, that meet and form a cutout in the shape of the six-point star. This is a Star of Dawid-symbol of Jews. During the Holocaust, the Nazis chose the yellow star as an identifying all Jews. After the war, Jews turned this symbol of humiliation. Nowadays, the Star of David is the most universally recognized symbol of the Jewish People.

Panels are embossed with a story told by a survivor of Auschwitz - Michael Schwartz. He was born in Zdunska-Wola, Poland. He was in Auschwitz-Birkenau and than he was transferred to Neuengamme, Braunschweig, Watenstedt, Bendorf, Ravensbrueck and Ludwigslust. American soldiers liberated him in 1945 from Ludwigslust. He went back to Poland and he was trying to find his family. He didn't find anyone so he went to Germany and than to Sweden where his one sister lived. There he met his wife and they later immigrated to America. The interview used to guide the writings of Yaffa Eliach’s Hasidic Tales of the Holocaust was done in New York City in 1979.



  1. Careful with copying - try to use your own words more.
    This is a relatively smaller scale construction compared to the buildings we saw earlier. It's interesting that he also designs monuments, not just buildings.

  2. Well, that's some heavy stuff, literally AND metaphorically. Did he make this one for some special occasion, like an anniversary or some special exposition (like with "The Wings")?

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