
Nowadays everyone uses aplications like Facebook, Snapchat or Google Maps. In the first look we don't see anything wrong in it, but when we start thinking about it it makes to be worse than we expected. This aplications (and people who use them too) know about us almost everything. For example recently when I was in the car with my mom on her phone appear a text 'there is no traffic on the way to your home', we was a little shocked, because my mom never put the address in it. I think that this application can deduce where is our house from locatation (when it is turn on), because we spend nights in the same place. Another thing is that we can check where our friengs are now. Snapchat has a map when we can see our friends's avatars and it refresches every time we open that application. I think that we really need to be careful who konows about us things like where our home is.


  1. This is really scary. Makes you want to throw away your smartphone and acquire an old-fashioned Nokia instead.

  2. Yeah, it could be really scary. You can feel like somebody is observing what you are doing at the moment.


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