
Wyświetlanie postów z listopad, 2018

Eco or money?

I was looking for a new water bottle and I found  some interesting accounts on Instagram. I checked their online shops and I was shocked, because there were bottles for about 100$. It’s so expensive. I know that being eco a kind of trend and this is very needed but it’s too much. Are we want to save the planet or make money? I think that more people will buy there things if they were cheaper. Also if people could buy these things they willsee that they can change their lives and habits for better. When I saw this prize a felt opposite and I get angry, that’s not the point.

Why are alt-right politicians becoming more and more popular?

I think taht people follow leaders like Bolsonaro, because they don't see other way to change their country. Maybe there is so bad situation that the only way to change something is to use strict measures. We don’t really know how people for example in Brazil feel and maybe there were leaders who had more “humanitarian” views and their changes didn’t make better life for Brazilians. Maybe they vote for him because he is powerful and dominant, some people might feel more safe with him as a leader. I think that also he is very decided what he want to do and he can engage and convince other people in his views which is not that easy, because his ideas are very controversial and for many people unacceptable.