
Wyświetlanie postów z październik, 2017

The Wings

Daniel Libeskind also designs sculptures. One of them is 'The Wings' - four giant aluminium sculptures with LED technology. They are situated the four corners of the Piazza Italia in Milan Expo (opened on 1st May 2015 and closed on October 31, 2015. Expo 2015's theme was "Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life") The installations of LED lightning animated the public space with a constant flow of pulsating patterns and imagery.  The sculptures are a combination between dynamic art and technical innovation. Wings have 10 meters high and dynamic form whitch for me looks like huge tree or growing plant. But name of this sculpture tells us that they can remind us wings maybe butterfly’s wings or bird’s wings. This sculpture reminds people about nature around us.

Złota 44

Złota 44 is a building in Warsaw desinged by Daniel Libeskind. Its the highest residential building in Europe, it has 287 apartments and 30 luxury units like swimming pool, sauna and gym. It was opened in 2013 after 5 years of working. He says that architecture has to communicate a story. Architecture is in the story of the city, in the story of what the city is, there is also a story of the spirit of the city, you can see that story in the way how the building shapes. Zlota 44 building is more than a big box it is a sculpture, it changes the skyline of the Warsaw. ‘The Polish people don't give up. And it inspired me to build this building here.' Shape of this building is not simply. For me this building means that Warsaw revives, because when we compare Palace of Culture and Science and Zlota 44 we can see this advance and power. In our city aren’t only old blocks of flats and communistic buildings there are also the most modern skyscrapers. www.

Daniel Libeskind

Daniel Libeskind is a Polish-American architect. He was born in Łódź in 1946, but when he was a boy he moved to New York with his family, who were survivors of Holocaust. His first passion was music, he learned to play an accordin and he was really good at it. He wanted to be an artist but his mum told him that he will be poor as a musican. She said: you can always can be an artist as an architect. He took her advice and now he is one of the best architects in the world. He graduated from New York's Cooper Union School of Architecture in 1970. He began his architecture career as a teacher, with his public talks he speaks about theory of architecture and how it can change the world. In 1988 he won the open architecture competition of designing Berlin Jewish Museum without any building experience. It was his first big project. This building has very unusual design. Daniel Libeskind is an owner of Studio Danel Libeskind where he works with his wife Nina Libeskind. http://ota

Podcast 1

What unexpected incident occurred in the middle? In the middle of the conversation one speaker suddenly heard voices of one of the producers which interrupted a conversation for a moment. What was the joke involving Spanish at the end of the conversation? Joke was about about British people in Spain who can’t speak Spanish and can’t even order some food. He said a Spanish word which everybody seems to know and that was funny for them. 

Jay Walker - The world's English mania

The most disturbing thing in this presentation is fact that children in China start learning English in third grade by the law. They have unusual methods like screaming English words. 80 milion of Chineese high school kids have already taken very difficult test which determine their futures.