Daniel Libeskind

Daniel Libeskind is a Polish-American architect. He was born in Łódź in 1946, but when he was a boy he moved to New York with his family, who were survivors of Holocaust.
His first passion was music, he learned to play an accordin and he was really good at it. He wanted to be an artist but his mum told him that he will be poor as a musican. She said: you can always can be an artist as an architect. He took her advice and now he is one of the best architects in the world.
He graduated from New York's Cooper Union School of Architecture in 1970. He began his architecture career as a teacher, with his public talks he speaks about theory of architecture and how it can change the world.
In 1988 he won the open architecture competition of designing Berlin Jewish Museum without any building experience. It was his first big project. This building has very unusual design.
Daniel Libeskind is an owner of Studio Danel Libeskind where he works with his wife Nina Libeskind.



  1. Are you going to write about the Berlin Jewish Museum later? It is a rather striking building.
    Remember to put the link to your source at the end of the post!

  2. Seems kind of sad, to abandon your dreams for better prospering job. Do you know if he tried to return to music later?

  3. What do you think about parents who force their children to be, who they would like them to be? In my opinion parents sometimes don't realize that their children can be really mature and responsible.


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