Native Americans

I watched a film “The last of the Mohicans”, I don’t really liked this film but it reminds me about what I saw when I was in New York. We went to the Indian museum to see their art. There was a lot of beautiful clothes (they had such an interesting patterns),tools like tomahawks and symbols or statues of their gods. There weren’t many people, but there was an Indian sitting on the floor (or kneeling) in front of the gods and I think that he was praying. I was very shocked and so sad (I can even feel anger). I know that nowadays aren’t a lot of Native Americans, but even if they are they are totally forgotten. They need to pray (or pay homage) in the museum! It’s very unfair.
Also I watched a short movie where Native Americans were talking about what they think about Christopher Columbus. They really hate him, they called him an evil and even started crying while talking. That was very depressing. I can’t understand why we weren’t taught about them more, we know that America was stolen but i think that this problem is downplaying. Columbus for most people is a great explorer ( I don’t want to refute this fact) but we were only told that Native Americans exists. Their culture was very interesting (I was in an Indian’s village) and worth knowing. They are normal people and they are living in our society, but we know almost nothing about theirs history. When I saw them named Columbus an evil I could look at it from a different angle. I hope that people never forget about Native Americans who were robbed of  land and forgotten.


  1. This is really sad and distressful what you have written. I can't imagine why real natives have to do these things in museum, not in their real "environment"...

  2. What happened to native Americans, or rather what the Spanish and the English and the Portuguese and the French did to them could only be called genocide now (just like what was done to Africans enslaved and made to work like animals). But somehow I don't think white people feel very guilty about that. Interestingly, after World War II, Germans were made to develop a national guilty conscience and keep apologising for their crimes until today. Why can't the Spanish do the same?


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