Recently I was scrolling my Instagram and I realized how fake and unneccesary it is. There is a lot of influencers and fashin icons. I know that a lot of people like follow others lifes, but I don't see a real goal in it. Maybe some people need motivation or they are just bored. A lot of these people show us on their pictures so expensive things which most people can't afford (so it's pointless) ang they receive so many free things to advertise them. What about all poor people, homeless? I don't blame these influencers, I only try to understand that system. Why people blind follow people without really knowing them? All this drives materialism and consumerism. When we see that people wear some clother for a month and than buy a lot of new things we want to do the same. There are accounts in the internet where people spread ecological and ethnical thinking, which is very good because our planet needs that, but its a large minority. People need to start thinking on their own and do not succumb to the prevailing of beauty.  If some young people saw a woman in make up lying in the bed they could think that's normal and people sleep in make up. 
In some aspects I support these people because they're doing what they dreamed about, but maybe all of people need to start thinking more about each others.


  1. Yes, we all need to reflect on how useless, if not harmful, some of our activities are.

  2. I think that some activities on social media are really worth doing. But we have to think about do we really need to mirror their behaviour or lifestyle?


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