Recently I was thinking about self beauty. I think that being comfortable with our body and mind is very important, as much as self love. For some people it’s very difficult to accept some things about themselves. I think that person who isn’t aware of their beauty can more easily get into bad community of people. These People are less confident and can easily give into others and imitate them. On the other hand everyone can fell the pressure of society, but we need to be aware of this and careful. People who really need recognition of others, because they can’t be happy with themselves, can more easily get into toxic relationship, which is very dangerous.
Other thing is that people always want to be like their beauty icons. I don’t say that it’s bad, because inspiration is very needed, but it need to be healthy. When someone is so skinny we don’t need to do everything to be as skinny as them. We must know the limit. I recognize that in social media are more and more profiles about loving yourself which I very appreciate. People need to love their bad sides because everyone is beautiful.


  1. Yeah, as you said the point what people should learn is to love themselves. Of course we can have inspiration but we shouldn't trying to change ouselves at the expense of health.


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