When I was in Izrael one evening I had a feeling that residents of Tel Aviv are more grateful for life than for example Polish people. I was really glad when I saw a couple sitting in front of their house in the small alley in the city centre. It is a rare view in Warsaw even that Tel Aviv is a really big, busy city. In Warsaw a lot of people are in hurry, are stressed and unhappy. I have no idea why it happens. On my trip a saw a group of random people dancing together to their national music (I'm not sure what music it was, but everyone knows that music) and singing. I was shocked because there was some people who just gone for evening jogging or walk with their partners and sttoped for a while to dance with others. Everybody was happy and having fun even very old people. I was standing and watching and i couldn't stop because of their happines. I really want to see something like that in Warsaw, but I think people there are not that integrated and open for others. I think that nowadays people are thinking too much about themselves, sometimes can talk about their lives for very long time and don't even ask their interlocutor. Also there is obligatory army service which every person mustn attend to. Maybe it could be a reason why they a little bit different than us.


  1. I think that also a culture have real affect on them. We are trying to copy western culture where life is usually focused on work and that's why we are different from them.


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