This article is about changed law in Washington for letting parents have more impact on mental treatment. There was quoted the only sentence which parents could hear from a doctors and it was "your kid is safe and we're doing everything we can". Now they can force children to go to the specialist and they can know the results and details about diagnosis for mental helath problems, of course if it will be safe for the kid. Sometimes children don't now that they need help. But, also if they forced their kids to start treatment when they really don't want to do that it could be even worse and have no good consequences.
I think that is'f good that parents can know more about treatment, if their children are getting better or worse. They are a part of their lives. Unless kid really don't want that, but it sholud be a rare situation. I have a different statement about forcing children to start this treatment. For me it really depend on the family and we couldn't guess if it help these chilndren or make it worse.


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