Posty This article is about changed law in Washington for letting parents have more impact on mental treatment. There was quoted the only sentence which parents could hear from a doctors and it was "your kid is safe and we're doing everything we can". Now they can force children to go to the specialist and they can know the results and details about diagnosis for mental helath problems, of course if it will be safe for the kid. Sometimes children don't now that they need help. But, also if they forced their kids to start treatment when they really don't want to do that it could be even worse and have no good consequences. I think that is'f good that parents can know more about treatment, if their children are getting better or worse. They are a part of their lives. Unless kid really don't want that, but it sholud be a rare situation. I have a different statement about forci Why Age? Should We End Aging Forever? The video tols us if we really want to live forever. They said that everybody wants to become old, but nobody wants to be old. I think that this is so true. Aging is normal thing, although we have more medicines than before, everybody will be old and than die. We can't prevent that aspect of life and I think we should take from life as much as we can. If we knew how long we are going to live maybe we will be less stresful (if we will live long), but this will be so boring. 

The rich man

There was a rich man who like to gamble, He had a valet named Mr Amble. One day the rich lost all his money, They switched places, that was funny. These things are easy to estangle.

Homeless people

Some time ago I was waiting for my friend in the metro station. I was sitting on a bench and after some time a homeless man sit near to me, not too close but as normaly people do. I had headphones so I didn't hear that he was talking to me, but I saw that he is making moves with his hands. I started talking with him and he was so nice. He was surprised that i can typing very fast, it's a very simple topic but I think that he really enjoyed the talk, maybe he was lonely. I need to say that he wasn't drunk, and he behaves like a normal person, so I wasn't afraid. Maybe people like him need a normal, short talks and we need to treat them like everyone elsel. Otherwise we need to be careful talking with strangers. When his metro arrived he got into it, waved to me and drove away.

Eco or money?

I was looking for a new water bottle and I found  some interesting accounts on Instagram. I checked their online shops and I was shocked, because there were bottles for about 100$. It’s so expensive. I know that being eco a kind of trend and this is very needed but it’s too much. Are we want to save the planet or make money? I think that more people will buy there things if they were cheaper. Also if people could buy these things they willsee that they can change their lives and habits for better. When I saw this prize a felt opposite and I get angry, that’s not the point.

Why are alt-right politicians becoming more and more popular?

I think taht people follow leaders like Bolsonaro, because they don't see other way to change their country. Maybe there is so bad situation that the only way to change something is to use strict measures. We don’t really know how people for example in Brazil feel and maybe there were leaders who had more “humanitarian” views and their changes didn’t make better life for Brazilians. Maybe they vote for him because he is powerful and dominant, some people might feel more safe with him as a leader. I think that also he is very decided what he want to do and he can engage and convince other people in his views which is not that easy, because his ideas are very controversial and for many people unacceptable.

Native Americans

I watched a film “The last of the Mohicans”, I don’t really liked this film but it reminds me about what I saw when I was in New York. We went to the Indian museum to see their art. There was a lot of beautiful clothes (they had such an interesting patterns),tools like tomahawks and symbols or statues of their gods. There weren’t many people, but there was an Indian sitting on the floor (or kneeling) in front of the gods and I think that he was praying. I was very shocked and so sad (I can even feel anger). I know that nowadays aren’t a lot of Native Americans, but even if they are they are totally forgotten. They need to pray (or pay homage) in the museum! It’s very unfair. Also I watched a short movie where Native Americans were talking about what they think about Christopher Columbus. They really hate him, they called him an evil and even started crying while talking. That was very depressing. I can’t understand why we weren’t taught about them more, we know that America was stolen