
Wyświetlanie postów z październik, 2018

Native Americans

I watched a film “The last of the Mohicans”, I don’t really liked this film but it reminds me about what I saw when I was in New York. We went to the Indian museum to see their art. There was a lot of beautiful clothes (they had such an interesting patterns),tools like tomahawks and symbols or statues of their gods. There weren’t many people, but there was an Indian sitting on the floor (or kneeling) in front of the gods and I think that he was praying. I was very shocked and so sad (I can even feel anger). I know that nowadays aren’t a lot of Native Americans, but even if they are they are totally forgotten. They need to pray (or pay homage) in the museum! It’s very unfair. Also I watched a short movie where Native Americans were talking about what they think about Christopher Columbus. They really hate him, they called him an evil and even started crying while talking. That was very depressing. I can’t understand why we weren’t taught about them more, we know that America was stolen
Recently I was thinking about self beauty. I think that being comfortable with our body and mind is very important, as much as self love. For some people it’s very difficult to accept some things about themselves. I think that person who isn’t aware of their beauty can more easily get into bad community of people. These People are less confident and can easily give into others and imitate them. On the other hand everyone can fell the pressure of society, but we need to be aware of this and careful. People who really need recognition of others, because they can’t be happy with themselves, can more easily get into toxic relationship, which is very dangerous. Other thing is that people always want to be like their beauty icons. I don’t say that it’s bad, because inspiration is very needed, but it need to be healthy. When someone is so skinny we don’t need to do everything to be as skinny as them. We must know the limit. I recognize that in social media are more and more profiles about lo
When I was in Izrael one evening I had a feeling that residents of Tel Aviv are more grateful for life than for example Polish people. I was really glad when I saw a couple sitting in front of their house in the small alley in the city centre. It is a rare view in Warsaw even that Tel Aviv is a really big, busy city. In Warsaw a lot of people are in hurry, are stressed and unhappy. I have no idea why it happens. On my trip a saw a group of random people dancing together to their national music (I'm not sure what music it was, but everyone knows that music) and singing. I was shocked because there was some people who just gone for evening jogging or walk with their partners and sttoped for a while to dance with others. Everybody was happy and having fun even very old people. I was standing and watching and i couldn't stop because of their happines. I really want to see something like that in Warsaw, but I think people there are not that integrated and open for others. I think th
Recently I was scrolling my Instagram and I realized how fake and unneccesary it is. There is a lot of influencers and fashin icons. I know that a lot of people like follow others lifes, but I don't see a real goal in it. Maybe some people need motivation or they are just bored. A lot of these people show us on their pictures so expensive things which most people can't afford (so it's pointless) ang they receive so many free things to advertise them. What about all poor people, homeless? I don't blame these influencers, I only try to understand that system. Why people blind follow people without really knowing them? All this drives materialism and consumerism. When we see that people wear some clother for a month and than buy a lot of new things we want to do the same. There are accounts in the internet where people spread ecological and ethnical thinking, which is very good because our planet needs that, but its a large minority. People need to start thinking on their